Due to our innovation and expertise in the area of biological water treatment we can refer to a number of case studies that demonstrate the bespoke nature of our purification technologies and implementation.
Case Studies
giving clear results in the real world.
Severn Trent Sewage Treatment
Scunthorpe Sewage Treatment Works serves the Scunthorpe town and villages in the surrounding area. The plant treats a mixture of domestic and trade effluent; in particular the effluent from a crisp manufacturer.
35 MLD Sewage Treatment, India
Currently all untreated black water is going directly in River Yamuna, below are few pictures depicting the same. These pictures were taken in March 2015 on our visit to the location.
Lake in Qatar
Earlier this year we were asked for solutions by a client in Qatar with a 16,000 m3 lake containing quite severe algal discolouration in the water.
Village Ponds in Jarauli, India
Karnal village ponds are contaminated with grey water. The contamination of grey water along with animal dung, dust and mud, sludge settlement and fertilizer contamination from nearby fields runoff and water from solid waste dumps around the village’s, has caused the humble village ponds to become a cess pool.
Village Ponds in Basdhara, India
Based on the 2011 Census and records from the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), the population of Basdhara village has grown over 40% in 3 years. Such growth of population in Rural Haryana has led to a gap in effluent treatment provisions.
2 MLD STP, India
Sirsa STP disposal tank receives an inflow of 2MLD sewage. The sump tank had heavy amounts of algae of 1-2 feet. The sump tank has a depth of approximately 36 feet. The water is discharged into the agricultural fields after it is retained in the disposal tank.
Project Clean Pond, Barasat, India
In November 2020 we were commissioned by Friends of Bengal and World Water Crisis to
propose solutions to treat a lake covered in Lemna (Duckweed).
Project Clean Pond, Cossipure, India
In November 2020 we were commissioned by Friends of Bengal and World Water Crisis to
propose solutions to treat a lake contaminated with solvents and covered in duckweed.
Bansberia Fishery, India
In November 2020 we were commissioned by Friends of Bengal and World Water Crisis to
propose solutions to treat a fishery in Bansberia.