The Problem
In November 2020 we were commissioned by Friends of Bengal and World Water Crisis to propose solutions to treat a lake contaminated with solvents and covered in duckweed. If drinking water contains unsafe levels of contaminants, it can cause health effects, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, nervous system or reproductive effects, and chronic diseases such as cancer.
The Solution
Following the initial tests Bio2pure™ recommended application of its Aqua Culture Management® treatment to be dosed through over a period of 8 days. During the operational stage Bio2pure™ visited the site daily assessing progress of the treatment, collecting samples as per the pre-defined schedule and closely monitoring the impact of the solution on the lake.
The Result
After 8 days the appearance of the pond and clarity of water had improved and the sheen
- Ammonia reduced by 90%
- Phosphate reduced by 85%
- Clarity improved by 200%
As a result of the success of the initial treatment Friends of Bengal and World Water Crisis are raising the money required to fund the on-going treatment of the lake.
Sethia Mart Cossipure lake prior to treatment

Initial treatment being administered

Water sample prior to treatment

Sample after 8 days