The Problem
Based on the 2011 Census and records from the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), the population of Basdhara village has grown over 40% in 3 years. Such growth of population in Rural Haryana has led to a gap in effluent treatment provisions. Village ponds and lakes which were once centres
of the village (for water storage and ground water charging; domestic and farm animals water needs), are now recipients of grey water from these villages. As such the deposition of algae, excessive sludge and animal dung has caused the capacity of the water bodies to also decrease. At the Basdhara village site, the
lake to be treated was 1.5 Acre in Surface Area with a depth of up to 10 feet. The lake water could not be used for agriculture due to heavy contamination as it could further impact the health of villagers adversely.
The Solution
Following the procedural assessment methodology Bio2pure™ analysed the intensity of pollution in the lake. Based on this we recommended the client for dosing of Bio2pure™ Aqua Culture Treatment® and Waste Water Treatment® Solutions in combination with our PAT® technology.
The Result
The test results below show the success of Bio2pure™ Technology. Within two weeks of treatment the:
Mild smell of hydrogen sulphide and bad odour from waste reduced drastically within the 1st week of POC and by the consecutive week the smell had gone completely.
The colour of water changed and algae had vanished completely. However, there was a lot of plastic bottles and dry garbage being left on the bank of the lake which was eventually cleaned up after treatment to restore the health of its surroundings.
Visibility test conducted at 5 different locations of the lake with Secchi disk revealed an increase in visibility from 3 to 9 inches in 2 weeks and sludge too had settled down. Approximately 1,188,000m3 of sludge was removed in just 2 weeks.
Open drains carrying waste into pond

Waste and plastic on the bank of pond

Figure: POC Village Ponds in Basdhara Karnal, Haryana (Water Quality)

Figure: Overview- Water Quality Results of Pond in Jarauli (POC 2)
Pond (before treatment) as on 9th April 2015

Pond (after treatment) as on 11th May 2015

Figure: POC Village Ponds in Basdhara, Karnal, Haryana

Figure: POC Village Ponds in Basdhara, Karnal, Haryana (Water Quality Tests)