The Problem
Karnal village ponds are contaminated with grey water. The contamination of grey water along with animal dung, dust and mud, sludge settlement and fertilizer contamination from nearby fields runoff and water from solid waste dumps around the villages, has caused the humble village ponds to become a cess pool.
During the site visit for the 3 village ponds Bio2pure™ noticed significant sludge build up in Pond No.3 which was preventing water from percolating into the ground. Therefore not allowing ground water recharge to occur in Ponds 1 to 3. For ground water recharge the sludge has to be significantly reduced before any treatment. Bio2pure™’s product was sure to aid in sludge removal (therefore reduction of BOD) so the treated water can meet consent; reduce BOD so that water can go back in ground and also be used for irrigation, farming or for animal drinking.
The Solution
Bio2pure™ undertook the scope for consultation and recommended a combination application for its Aqua Culture Management® (to stabilize the pond’s ecosystem and natural environment by removal of Nitrates and Phosphates to remove duckweed and algae) and Waste Water Treatment® (to remove the toxicity and reduce the load of BOD in the water to be dosed over a period of 15 days). During the operational stage Bio2pure™ technical Team made the required site visits for assessing progress of the treatment as well as for sample collection as per the pre-defined schedule and closely monitored the impact of the solution on the lake. The parameters measured were:
- BOD (mg/l)
- COD (mg/l)
- Phosphates (mg/l)
- Nitrates (mg/l)
- Total Suspended Solids (mg/l)
- Concentration of Algae by volume (%v/v)
- Visibility (inches) – using a Secchi Disc
- Sludge Level – using a Secchi Disc with depth reader
The Result
There was no treatment taking place in the ponds when treatment started. Water coming in and going out was almost of the same colour. BOD and Algae percentage came down drastically in two weeks. Initially there were lot of mosquitoes because of algae and duckweed and lot of children were getting sick. During the treatment of Ponds villagers living around the pond mentioned that there were significantly less number of mosquitoes and flies coming from the ponds. (The result summary and images have been provided in the following pages).

Figure: Overview- Water Quality Results of Pond in Jarauli (POC 1)

Figure: Overview- Water Quality Results of Pond in Jarauli (POC 2)
Ponds 1 & 2 (before treatment) as on 11th June 2015

Ponds 1 & 2 (after treatment) as on 20th June 2015

Figure: Village Ponds in Jarauli Karnal POC 2
Water samples taken 11th June, 18th June and 23rd June 2015

Figure: Village Ponds in Jarauli Karnal POC (Water Quality)