The Problem
Sirsa STP disposal tank receives an inflow of 2MLD sewage. The sump tank had heavy amounts of algae of 1-2 feet. The sump tank has a depth of approximately 36 feet. The water is discharged into the agricultural fields after it is retained in the disposal tank. Due to the high concentration of contaminants in the incoming sewage which was allowed to drain into the fields untreated it had created a socio-environmental discrepancy in the area.
The Solution
Bio2pure™ undertook the scope for consultation and recommended Formula 33® to treat the incoming wastewater into the disposal tank. A breeder unit was set up to treat the same on a daily basis by dosing the bacteria once every 12 hours. The project was undertaken for a period of 3 months. The main goal was to predominantly tackle the issue of algae, sludge and high levels of organic contamination. During the operational stage Bio2pure™ technical Team made the required site visits for assessing progress of the treatment as well as for sample collection as per the pre-defined schedule and closely monitored the impact of the solution .
The parameters measured were:
- BOD (mg/l)
- COD (mg/l)
- Oil and Grease (mg/l)
- Nitrates (mg/l)
- Total Suspended Solids (mg/l)
- pH
The Result
There was no treatment taking place in the disposal tank when Bio2pure™ treatment started. Significant reduction of algae was observed after the initiation of the treatment. The water quality in terms of BOD, COD and other parameters also displayed high levels of attenuation (The result summary and images have been provided in the following pages).
Disposal Tank (before treatment) as on 9th March 2018

Disposal Tank (after treatment) as on 27th April 2018

Water Sample (before treatment)

Water Sample (after treatment)

Figure: Treatment of water in STP at Sirsa

Figure: Water quality analysis of the effluents from the disposal tank